FBI Discover Trump-Model Playboy Records


TRIBUNKALTIM.CO, WASHINGTON DC – The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) found a recording of Donald Trump's conversation about silent payment for the old Playboy model

The Playboy Model Karen called Karen McDougal. Previously, he once called for a relationship with Trump.

Confirmed ABC sources said the interviews were secretly recorded by former Trump personal attorney Michael Cohen when Trump was still a US presidential candidate.

The band was recovered by the FBI when it attacked Cohen's office earlier this month in New York.

In response, Trump considers that lawyers record client talks as illegal. He insisted on not making a mistake

"It is inconceivable that a lawyer is a client, it's never done before and it's probably illegal", he added on Twitter

"The good news is that your favorite president did not err."

The BBC proclaims that US judicial authorities are investigating alleged secret payments to women who claim to have links with Trump.

Relating to McDougal, he sold his story before the 2016 presidential elections to the tabloid National Enquiere, owned by a close friend of Trump.

He claims that there is an agreement worth 150,000 US dollars (on the current exchange rate) to buy the rights of his story that was given to the tabloid.

It is also forbidden for him to speak publicly about allegations of infidelity with Trump

The national tabloid Enqueier did not finally publish the story of McDougal and he claimed to have been cheated.

McDougal says that he had a 10-month relationship with Trump in 2006, a year after marrying his current wife, Melania.

"I am attracted to him, he is a handsome man, I love his charisma". (*)

This article was posted on Kompas.com under the title "There is Trump proof of conversation about Playboy Model Mouth Money", https://internasional.kompas.com/read/2018/07 / 21/22093721 / ada -test-of-the-trump-of-money-close-the-mouth-playboy-style

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