Feeding sharks, women in Australia almost missing her fingers


– A terrible moment was captured on camera when a woman in Australia almost lost the finger to be bitten by a shark.

Posted by Daily Mail Saturday (30/06/2010) Melissa Brunning, of Perth, travels to the west of Australia, precisely in the remote area of ​​the Bay of Dugong

when the incident occurred in May, he tried to feed the shark with his hand

. focus on the fact that my finger is missing, that the fish is stuck and that I have the impression of tearing my bones.

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The tawny shark is generally considered a relatively calm and tame species. However, the animal always has sharp teeth like razors.

At first, Brunning thought that he was going to lose his finger and he was so shocked. However, someone checks her injury to calm her by fear.

"I like to lose my finger so I do not want to see my finger."

The incident recorded on the mobile was broadcast Channel Seven on Saturday. so. In the video, Brunning shouted while he was tied in the water by a shark.

Quickly, the crew and his friends shot him so he did not fall into the sea with the shark.

AFP proclaimed, Brunning suffering injuries, fractures, torn ligaments and infections of the fingers.

"This is not the fault of a shark, but it could be worse," he said.

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He realized that he was supposed to put a piece of fish in front of him instead of feeding it with his hand.

"It's not a shark attack, it's just blonde hair doing something stupid". "When you're in the water, sharks are at the top of the food chain, that's their territory. We should not be in the water unless we have a gill. "

Here is a recording of Brunning's moments drawn by a shark that hurts his finger:

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