Feeding sharks, women in Australia, almost missing his fingers


POS-KUPANG.COM | CANBERRA – A horrible moment took hold of the camera when an Australian nearly lost her finger due to a shark bite.

Reported by Daily Mail on Saturday (June 30, 2013), Melissa Brunning of Perth was traveling to Western Australia, the remote area of ​​Dugong Bay. When he arrived last May, he tried to feed the shark with his hand.

"It happened so quickly that I focused on the fact that my finger was missing, that the fish pinched it and that it was tearing its bones".

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The nurse shark is generally considered a relatively calm and tame species. However, the animal always has sharp teeth like razors.

At first, Brunning thought that he was going to lose his finger and he was so shocked. However, a person checks his injury to calm his fears.

"I like to lose my finger so I do not want to see my finger."

The incident recorded over the phone was broadcast on Channel Seven last Saturday. In the video, Brunning shouted as he was tied in the water by the shark.

Quickly, the crew and his friends shot him for not falling into the sea with the shark.

AFP proclaimed, Brunning suffered injuries, torn ligaments, and finger infections. "It's not the fault of a shark, but it could have been worse," he says.

He realized that he had to put a piece of fish in front of him instead of feeding it with his hand. "19659002" This is not a shark attack. "When you're in the water, sharks are at the top of the food chain, it's their territory – we should not be in the water unless we have gills." , he added. (*)

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