Feeling sad? Try the consumption 5


PortalMadura.Com – Eating is one of the most common ways for people to feel sad. However, you should also keep the nutrition in the food consumed. In addition to helping prevent various diseases, nutritious foods can also prevent depression.

So, not only eat healthy, but also always feel happy because of the increased mood. Curious to know which foods are suitable when they are sad? Let's see the explanation.

Salmon contains omega-3s that are very high. Nutrition is very important for the body. Unfortunately, the body can not produce its own omega 3.

Omega-3 fatty acids are part of the membrane that surrounds the body's cells, especially in the brain.

Research shows consumption of fish rich in omega-3 can relieve depression.

Salmon also contains anti-inflammatories against inflammation. Based on research, depression can be triggered by a strong inflammation in the body.

Did you know that dark chocolate can improve mood

According to research 2018, dark chocolate could also improve the immune system and improve eye health. In other words, dark chocolate has a bitter taste because it contains only 30% sugar and sweeteners.

Fruits are good for helping to succeed in a diet program. However, a fruit that does not just have these benefits is berries. The fruit content has excellent properties for our brains.

Berries are rich in flavonoids that regulate mood, stimulate memory and reduce inflammation.

So, when the mood worsens, try a large bowl of strawberries, blueberries and

Dark green vegetables like spinach and kale contain omega-3 fatty acids and are able to prevent inflammation.

Green vegetables will also be magnesium, which is very beneficial for improving brain function and mood

Almonds are also rich in compounds called tyrosine

These compounds are able to prevent decline cognitive functions, especially in the treatment of stress.

] These are foods that you can try when you feel sad. Hopefully useful. ( kompas.com/Nanik )
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