Few people know, penis cancer is watching men, these are symptoms!


JAKARTA, JITUNEWS.COM – Of course, this type of disease is rarely known. For men themselves, penile cancer always seems strange to them.

Penile cancer is as fatal as any other cancer. Indeed, for the moment, penngidap cancer is still underdeveloped. In America alone, people with penile cancer have less than 1% of all types of cancer.

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Men who have not been circumcised are twice as likely to develop this disease. This is caused by fimosis, the condition when the foreskin is tight can not be removed on the penis head, a case like that Jitunews precise quote. co (5/11).

For men who suffer from bad warts are also susceptible to this cancer. This disease is caused by the contraction of the HPV virus. For those of you who have not been circumcised, you need to thoroughly clean the foreskin to prevent this disease.

In fact, penile cancer affects many men aged 60 or older. Indeed, the head of the penis is more likely to contract a carcinogenic virus.

This simple concoction is proven effective in treating male diseases!

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