Finance Minister Luhut, about Pertamina, takes off the asset: my first check


JAKARTA, – Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan admitted that he would study the application of the release of PT Pertamina (Persero) to the government.

For now, he hesitates to comment much on this

"I do not know yet, I'll check first," said Luhut at his office Friday (20/7 / 2018).

Up to now, Pertamina has proposed the release of these shares to the government as shareholders. The Vice President of Pertamina Adiatma Sardjito said that the proposed sale of these badets would improve the performance of Pertamina's business portfolio in the future

Also read: 3 Presidential candidates of Pertamina are submitted to Jokowi, Anyone? The property of pertamina has been regulated in the articles of badociation of the Company.

On the basis of AD / ART, the release of the badets requires a complete overhaul and decided by the General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS)

for Pertamina to invite strategic partners who have the 39, excellence in technology and business in the field of energy.

As for its implementation, Pertamina will retain control of the activity. The valuation of the badets will be carried out taking into account the most important benefits for Pertamina and the State.

"By partnering with the right trading partners, we can achieve added value in terms of technology, market expansion and networking. and it's something bbad in the business, "says Adiatma. [19] (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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