Five signs of stress affected physical health


If you do not want to take medicine, apply lavender oil on both sides of the forehead.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – Stress can affect health in different ways. If it's not controlled, excessive stress can also cause signs or symptoms that affect the body's condition.

Reader & # 39; s Digest revealed that there were at least five symptoms or signs on the body that could occur due to stress. Here are the five signs with the means to overcome them.

1. Unusual weight changes

Dr. Shanna Levine says that stress encourages the release of hormone cortisol. This condition will change the way the body metabolizes fats, proteins and carbohydrates. In addition, stress can also cause a person to overeat or eat less. Some people under stress also experience unusual changes in body weight.

In connection with this problem, nibbling nuts can be a solution. The proteins in nuts can help people who are less stressed. On the other hand, the fiber content of nuts can also give satiety to people who eat too much when they are stressed.

2. Urticaria on the skin

In case of stress, the body releases a chemical called histamine, which is followed by itchy complaints. This may be due to the fact that the immune system weakened by stress makes the skin more easily irritated by objects that do not usually cause problems such as heat, lotions or detergents. This condition makes hives or hives appear on the skin.

Appearance hives on the skin will definitely feel uncomfortable. To reduce these symptoms, use a towel soaked in cold water to compress the affected area of ​​the skin. If this method does not give results, the use of antihistamines can be made.

3. A fuzzy brain

Too much cortisol in times of stress can make the concentration difficult for a person. This condition can cause problems in memory. Not only that, too much cortisol can also trigger anxiety and depression.

One way to overcome it is to try to relax until the ability to concentrate improves. You can relax your mind by closing your eyes and breathing slowly. When you close your eyes, focus only on breathing.

4. Headaches

In case of stress, it is normal for the muscles to become tight. This condition can lead to headaches. In people prone to migraines, stress can trigger migraines or even more severe migraines.

Under these conditions, the use of ibuprofen can be a solution. If you do not want to take medicine, apply lavender oil or peppermint oil on both sides of the forehead (temple) when headaches begin to appear.

5. acid stomach

Stress can cause the body to produce more digestive acids that can then trigger it stomach burns. Stress can also slow down the process of emptying foods from the stomach. As a result, problems such as swelling of the stomach or bloating can occur. This complaint can increase when the contract or bowel is contracted.

This condition can be relieved with antacid drugs sold freely on the market. Another alternative is to drink ginger tea.

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