Five steps of acne skin care not to soil


Jakarta Not only acne, acne scars also require special attention.

It's void, it's a word that is often spoken by women who have acne skin problems. Resentment occurs, not only when acne appears, after the acne disappears, you still feel upset. The acne disappears, but leaves traces. As if the skin problem is never complete. Well what are the causes of acne scars on the skin of the face?

Acne scars are also called post-hyperpigmentation inflammation. The cause of hyperpigmentation is due to the excessive production of melanin, which makes the skin to the point of acne seems to be dark or black. Usually, these cases occur in inflamed pimples; can be squeezed, so the blood of acne. This is one of the reasons, why squeeze acne is "forbidden".

Thinking of a solution? for sure! To avoid leave of acne, we can do the treatment and protection of the face below. Remember, everything must be done with discipline yes.

>> Always Keep Skin Clean

Keeping it clean is not a simple facial cleansing routine with cleanser morning and evening or with method ] double cleaner only. The hygiene of facial skin is also important to do with; do not touch the skin of the face with an impure hand. Avoid the habit of touching "unintentionally" facial skin especially acne, let alone just "fumbling" out of curiosity with the state of acne. Bacteria that settle in the hands, can trigger acne become an irritation.

>> Stop using the exfoliator.

Exfoliant can be reused after the facial skin is stable. That is, acne is completely clean of the skin of the face. To eliminate acne scars, exfoliants will be very helpful. Note to the exfoliating type " scrub face", apply scrub with gentle mbadage. Do not dominate the skin with scrub as it can dry the skin, irritate and trigger the acne to reappear.

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