Flag Burning, National Police Request Doctoral Advice in Syria and Yemen


JawaPos.com – Head of the Public Information Bureau of the National Police Headquarters Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Dedi Prasetyo, visited the Executive Council of Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) today, Thursday, June 10th. He asks for his opinion on the case of the HTI flag burned by NU Banser.

"The PBNU will surely have very strong skills to decide if it is the flag of the IHT," he said after his visit to PBNU General Chairman, Kiai Said Aqil Siroj.

During the meeting, it was also proposed that the national police convene expert witnesses from Yemen and Syria. "A doctor, specialist in Islam in this country, will later inform the investigator about the symbols of the flag," Dedi said.

He said that a Yemen doctor was fairly neutral. "It's a character who has himself experienced the destruction of his country because of a single symbol, dividing Islamic groups into one symbol." Does Indonesia want to be like that? " said Dedi.

The chief of the head of the national police, General Tito Karnavian, admitted that he was waiting for news from Aqil about the time when the doctors came and that he wished to be consulted by him. ;investigator. "If there are already recommendations from Syria and Yemen, we will inform," he added.

Earlier, a viral video showing a number of members of Nahdlatul Ulama's multi-purpose Anarchist Front (Banser) burning a flag was presumed to have the character of Tawhid. It is known that the incident took place during the commemoration of the Santri National Day in Garut, in West Java.

Precisely at Alun-alun, Limbangan District, Garut Regency, West Java, Monday (10/22). Three members of Banser were detained by the police, suspected of being the author of a arson attack. From his confession, they regarded the flag with the award of monotheism as the flag of Hizb ut-Tahrir Indonesia (HTI).

In addition to requesting information from the perpetrators, the police also immediately searched for the flag bearer and the VCR after the incident. While today, the police have secured the HTI flag.


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