Foods and drinks that make a penis and erection healthy stay strong

[ad_1], Jakarta For husbands (even men as a whole), the penis is a very important vital organ. Health problems such as erectile dysfunction can be very scary.

Fortunately, this world still offers us a natural way to avoid penis problems or even make it stronger. A study conducted at Harvard and at the University of East Anglia, England, for example, found that men who enjoyed a glbad of red wine and ate a lot of oranges, strawberries, Blueberries, apples and pears tended not to develop erectile dysfunction.

Quote Men's health in the UK Saturday (11/10/2018), here are some foods that men should consume so that the penis stays healthy and the erection remains strong.

1. coffee

The caffeine of a cup of coffee increases the metabolism, pumps the blood and increases the stamina by releasing the fat reserves. Eating enough also gives you energy to survive all night.

2. Oysters

Oysters are rich in zinc and vitamin B6 minerals. Both of these substances are important for testosterone. However, you do not like it, it can be replaced with nuts or seeds.

3. Chile

When the face blushes after eating pepper, this is due to the extensive blood vessels due to the effects of eating these foods. Not only the face, more liquid blood also enters the vessels of your penis.

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