Forest fires in Greece are likely to be deliberate


– The Greek government said Thursday (26/7/2018) that there is a serious indication that forest fires occurring near tourist areas near Athens is intentional

Minister of Public Order Nikos Toskas said that the badysis of the satellite image of two fires that occurred on Monday on each side of the city of Mati indicated an intention.

"We get serious indications and the significant results of this forest fire are a crime". also: Fires in Greece killed 74 people, officials of the embbady of the Republic of Indonesia

Toskas did not provide details about these allegations but insists that the Law enforcement forces are investigating the various pieces of evidence found. residential areas in Greece are intentionally made to develop development lands

However, it is very rare that police arrest suspects (19659002) Meanwhile, the number of victims of this forest fire has reached 82 people and the rescue teams are still searching for victims in ruins and at sea.

Rescue teams are trying to find victims in the sea. Hundreds of people have fled the siege of the fire

Most victims have were found in Mati, a town 30 kilometers east of Athens.

This small town is known as a retired tourist destination that rents its houses or apartments to travelers.

A group of experts from the University of Athens says that the development of the resort town has made it a "fire trap". The access from the city to the sea is blocked by cliffs and many buildings are built in forest areas with very little security.

The study also found that the streets of the city are very narrow and there are many dead ends. the signs and signs are also so minimal that travelers in case of emergency do not arrive easily on the main road

Read also: Forest fire in Greece: 26 bodies found at Villa Yard

Identification of the corpse that has been charred most of the time.

To speed up the process of identification, the German Federal Police sent a team of forest specialists to Greece

This German forensic team worked in many disaster areas, including the Asian tsunami ( 2004), and the crash of a Russian plane and a DHL cargo plane in 2002 that killed 71 people. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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