Formed as this Kopassus TNI can "disable" US special forces that have advanced technology


BANGKAPOS.COM – In the 1980s, ABRI / TNI wanted to establish special forces

The troops also had to have anti-terrorist capabilities.

Finally, the special forces unit of various countries served as a reference.

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Reported by from, there are several references obtained.

As the Special Forces Science of Germany (GSG-9), England (SAS), Special Forces Anti-Terrorists of the National Navy and South Korean Special Forces

The above units have influenced training special forces within the TNI.

Special forces from a number of countries were requested to be immediately implemented in the formation of the TNI special forces in Kopbadus units

The recommenders were the only ones in the world. Deputy Second Lieutenant LB Moerdani. 002] All the techniques of the different "currents" are supposed to form a special TNI army in a very professional combat troop.

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Professionals mentioned by Lieutenant-Benny is that each member of the special forces is well trained.

They must be able to carry out their mission, even with very limited equipment and weapons

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