Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak was arrested


The anti-corruption body of Malaysia has been ousted in recent weeks in a number of properties related to Najib Former Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has arrested by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (03/07/07) 2018) at his residence in Langgak Dua, Kuala Lumpur, around 3:00 pm local time

A source from the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) was quoted ] The Star justifying the arrest of Najib. Malaysia Corruption (MACC) after being examined twice which led to his detention.

Through a voice message accompanied by a video clip posted on Facebook Najib said that he was grateful for the test of the world, and that he did not think run abroad.

"We all know that the allegations in the afterlife are much more dangerous, and I will face perseverance:" Allah is the geek, the most merciful and the most merciful, "he said. quoted in the article Malaysiakini .

Read: Police: Najib Razak's accessories worth millions of dollars

the arrest of a parliamentary deputy, among others , was accompanied by his image showing his friendship with many people as prime minister.

"The beloved Malays if the brothers heard this message, this action had been taken on me. I would like to apologize and apologize to the Malaysians. Malaysians have the right to the best leadership.

"I did all my efforts, but I realized that it was not enough, because I admit that there are a lot of weaknesses but I also want to express my heart to the people I love very much. "

Najib added that he also acknowledged his weakness as a normal human being, but baderted that" all accusations " were not uttered. and his family is right.

"Indeed, our house was ransacked for days, indeed I was studying and there was something seized, but all of this was inconclusive.There is a lot of news, scattered images are rumors, false distortions and defamation Let's look at it

"I have not had the opportunity to defend myself. Yes, I'm dead and I'm making people's decisions. And I realize that this defeat also means that I am struck by a lot more horrible. "

Read: Anwar: The treasure of Najib Razak can spread the property of Marcos

The former president of Umno also recalls that it is the same right,

" Nobody will not be released, including government leaders today, and those who spread rumors and humiliate others, "he accused Najib was taken to MACC from his home in Jalan Langgak Duta., Kuala Lumpur at MACC headquarters on Tuesday.

The arrest of Najib was linked to a public funds abuse scandal of 1MDB.The MACC focuses on the case of a fund flow of $ 10.6 million in Najib's account in 2015. He has twice undergone a review.

Najib, accused of involvement in alleged corruption is almost 64 trillion rupees and will be charged on Wednesday (04/07 / 2018 This morning at the Kuala Lumpur High Court

According to the statement of the 1MDB Working Group set up by PM Mahathir Mohamad, Na jib was arrested on Tuesday 03/07 at 2:35 pm local time (1:35 pm) at his home in connection with the issue SRC, branch of 1MDB

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency has held a seizure in recent weeks in a number of properties related to Najib.

Read: UMNO Choosing Former Vice-Najib Razak Become President

seized a number of luxury goods worth more than R $ 3 800 billion in his house. Among them were more than 12,000 jewels belonging to his wife, Rosmah Mansor.

"Najib Razak's family argued that the confiscation by the police was essentially a gift from friends, foreign guests, royal guests and official family events, warnings , weddings and engagements, "said Najib through Facebook and Twitter.

Riza arrived at the MACC office with her lawyer, K. Kumaraendran. A number of media reports mention that a publicly traded company, Red Granite, refers to the disbursement of 1MDB funds.

Riza has denied the allegations of the US Justice Department in connection with the receipt of the fund. [19659003] Rosmah Mansor, Najib's wife Najib himself has repeatedly denied corruption and was declared clean by the Malaysian authorities while he was still in power.

L & # 39; former Prime Minister Najib Razak was to be re charged on Wednesday (04/07/2018).

Najib is also tested by a number of countries. It is forbidden to leave Malaysia. *

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