Dream – Scientists have just discovered a huge pile of diamonds. If it is mined and traded, the diamond is touted to destroy the global economy.
According to Mbadachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) scientists, there are one trillion tons of diamonds buried deep in the underground kratonic roots.
The problem is that the diamond pile is buried very deep, ie 160 kilometers deep
Until now, there is no drilling or mining technology mining that can reach it.
The kratonic roots are the oldest part of the rock. the mountains are inverted in the bowels of the Earth.
Researchers estimate that kratonic roots can contain up to 1 to 2% of diamonds. This means that there are 1000 tons of buried diamonds there.
If a ton of diamonds is 50,000,000 carats, each costing £ 3,000, the total diamond value at the kratonic root is 150 pounds thin. If you still confuse this figure, look at the estimated price of the diamond in the following figures: 150,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 Punsterling.
"This shows that although diamonds are not exotic minerals, they are relatively common in the Earth," said Ulrich Faul, a researcher with the Department of Earth Sciences, Atmosphere and Environmental Sciences. MIT planets
"We still can not get it, we are surprised that there are as many diamonds as we previously thought." The researchers say the diamonds were discovered after having saw an anomaly in the seismic data while they were looking for a source of earthquake using sound waves
Faul added that he and his colleagues felt that the anomaly was due to diamonds. inside the kratonic root.
"Diamonds have special properties, one of which is that sound waves travel twice as fast as they Faul explains: [traduction]
Unfortunately, diamond diamonds can not still be mined because they are too deep.The deepest hole ever made by a human being is at a depth of 12 kilometers.
The hole named Kola Superdeep Borehole in Russia took 20 years to do it.
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