Four million people in Assam, India, lost their lost citizenship: Okezone News


GUWAHATI – The Indian government has issued a list that actually lifts the citizenship of four million people in the state of Assam in the northeast. The list of Indian Nationals (CNR) was announced by the General Register of India (RGI) in the state capital, Guwahati, Monday, July 30.

The CNR is a list of people who can prove that they came to India before the constitution of the state of Bangladesh before March 24, 1971. This list was renewed after nearly seven decades.

With the NRC, India wants to eradicate groups of illegal immigrants from Bangladesh living in India.

This list raised fears of a "witch hunt" against ethnic minorities in Assam. Concerned about the unrest and violence, the authorities immediately stated that those not on the list would not be immediately expelled.

However, they also stated that the appeal process that will be made available to all will take a long time. This means that millions of people will live in uncertainty until they make a final decision on their legal status.

"Even if someone does not find his name in the final CNR, he can go to a foreign court," Rajnath Singh, Indian Minister of the Interior told the media. , quoted by Al Jazeera . / 2018). "All people will have a fair chance."

"They will have enough opportunities to file claims and objections to their rights," he added.

Similarly, NRC Coordinator Prateek Hajela said that people can request corrections from August 30 to September 28.

"If their name does not appear in the final draft, that does not mean that these people are illegal," said Hajela.

"It's just a rough draft and I'm telling you that these guys are going to have a lot of possibilities for claims and objections, so there's no reason to be scared. . "

According to an RGI official, of the 32.9 million Assam residents bordering Bangladesh and Bhutan, only 28.9 million people are appointed to the CNR. On the first list announced in December 2017, 19 million people have been recognized as legitimate citizens.

The only NRC document in the state of Assam was created in 1951 to distinguish Indian citizens from illegal immigrants from East Pakistan, who later changed their name to Bangladesh in 1971. L & # The arrival of millions of refugees in 1971 Pakistan has made the issue of foreigners a national priority in India.


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