Four people with HIV / AIDS perform in Jakarta 2018 Marathon


Jakarta, – Of the 16,500 participants who attended the Jakarta Marathon on Sunday 28/10, four people were HIV-positive. (human immunodeficiency virus) also follow the challenge.

The four riders, namely Tri Eklas Tesa Sampurno and Eva Dewi, represented the Rumah Cemara organization, and Sepi Maulana Adriansyah and Ade Fikran represented the Muda Muda organization.

The participation of the four HIV fighters in the Jakarta Marathon is part of the #SayaBerani campaign series on AIDS Day (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) Worldwide, which will be commemorated on December 1, 2018.

Sepi Maulana Adriansyah, or Davi, managed to complete the half-marathon on 21 km in 3.5 hours.

"I started this marathon with the certainty of crossing the finish line. It was not easy, even though I had cramps in my mouth, but the challenges I had to do face were similar to those of other marathon participants and had nothing to do with my HIV status, "said Davi.

These four HIV fighters hope that by following a marathon, they will be able to prove that the myth of HIV that the community trusts is false.

"HIV is no longer a deadly disease that can not be cured By taking antiretroviral drugs, I can live in good health and be productive." In fact, I managed to complete the half-marathon at a event like this, "said Fikran, who has been on antiretroviral therapy since 2014.

Eva Dewi, who completed the 10km marathon, said she was very proud of her accomplishments, not least because it was her first marathon.

The four riders admitted that their struggle to reach the finish line was not easy, especially with a temperature reaching 33 ° C in Jakarta. However, the four riders continue the fight that they started because they remember the social mission that they wear during the race.

Ms. Krittayawan Tina Boonto, Director of UNAIDS Indonesia. said that I hoped that with this type of activity, people living with HIV who had not yet started antiretroviral therapy could discover the benefits of this drug and start it right away .

He added that with the participation of runners at the 2018 Jakarta Marathon, he was hoping that the false myths about HIV and AIDS could be broken.

This activity is also part of the #SayaBerani #SayaSehat campaign launched by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia and UNAIDS Indonesia, as well as by a number of civil society organizations since 2016, in the goal of promoting HIV testing and treatment in the community and eliminating stigma and discrimination against HIV persons.

Kelana Aries

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