Free Sex, Cilacap Teens Use HIV Reagent to Test Couples

[ad_1] – The misuse of the human immunodeficiency virus or the allegedly endemic HIV testing equipment was carried out by many young people and students of the regency of Cilacap. They have been found to buy HIV reagent in the online market for independent HIV testing without medical staff.

The spread of HIV / AIDS itself is considered a latent danger in the increasingly disturbing Cilacap. Data from the Cilacap Regency AIDS Response Commission (KPA), the new case findings from January to June 2018 were 112 people. In the same period of 2017, the case of new discoveries was 87.

In total up to March 2018, 1,124 people registered in Cilacap district were infected with HIV. 95% of HIV transmission is dominated by bad, badl, oral and bad bad with an infected person.

Rubino Sriadji, case manager of the Cilacap District Commission, said the results of the HIV testing tool were abused. confessed anxiously infected with HIV. "According to the results of a number of consultations, it is suspected that this trend has become a trend for young people and students of Cilacap, to learn as soon as possible that their badual partners are infected with HIV", was -he adds. Rubino who is also CDV Counselor Cahaya Ribbon RSUD Cilacap, Wednesday (25/7)

Trends in the purchase of an HIV testing tool via the Internet, have badessed Rubino as a barrier to HIV / AIDS. The reason the diagnostic results through the HIV testing equipment outside health care without media personnel, so the justification for the bad that they consider "safe". This trend is considered a "time bomb", especially if the results are deemed negative, so it is not necessary to use condoms during intercourse.

Kemenkes standard. In addition, qualified health personnel conducting the inspection of the results should carry out minimal checks

"The actions of some young people and students of Cilacap, as well as the general public, will greatly affect HIV prevention efforts / AIDS, "Rubino explains.

Rubino explains, HIV is a contagious disease and its latent nature that there is a window period. Very open opportunity, when someone conducts self-examination through a tool purchased online, oneself and one's badual partner is still in live phase of the window. Although it seems that the results in the tool negative, but in fact there could be an HIV virus that infects

"Not yet detected by the tool, but already active or can transmit ", Rubino

Poor means of anticipation, potentially increasing risk of latent transmission of HIV risk. The self-examination of HIV, confirmed Rubino, is a misperception and falls into the category of abuse of HIV testing equipment

"If this problem is not addressed seriously it will be a humanitarian catastrophe (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n .callMethod?
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