Fruit consumption as a dangerous dental prosthesis, really? – VIVA


VIVA – Eating fruits is very important for your health. Because fruits contain various essential nutrients that the body needs.

They are also numerous to produce fruit as a snack and dessert or dessert . This is because the fruit has a low sugar content compared to other dessert such as cookies, cookies and even fried foods.

But there is a lot of news circulating in the community that eating fruit as desserts is not good, because the fruit will rot in the body so that it does not provide any food. ;advantages. Is it true?

Moch Aldis Rusliadi, head of the Nutrifood Health Committee, SKM, CNWC said that it was a myth. "If he ate fruits or vegetables first, emotionally and psychologically would be more energetic, but after effect (the effects thereafter) will also be duller sleepy "he told VIVA at a Nutrifood media rally at the Royal Tulip Gunung Geulis, West Java, Bogor.

Eat exactly if the fruit before or after eating? He explained that it is advisable to eat the fruit early. This is because the fruits can be filler for the stomach.

Not only that, the main thing to consume the fruit at first is to not make you eat with large portions. significant and account, more calories, because after that it will not be too crazy for a big meal, "he explained.

Meanwhile, he continued eating fruits after eating will add calories. So, when nambah the fruit kayak is already the same as eating, "he said.

So, when he did not consume the fruit at first, [ad_2]
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