Gandrung Dance and Ijen Crater World Cup Ramaikan


The photos show the bus wall decorated by Gandrung dancer on a white sand beach. Not only that, the exoticism of Ijen Crater who has a blue flame phenomenon (blue flame) also appeared on buses circulating in the cities of the 2018 World Cup.

Regent Abdullah Azwar Anas said that the move was a promotional effort Banyuwangi to the international community through the World Cup. "And I think it's effective because the eyes of the world are on Russia, fans from 32 countries participating in the World Cup and ball fans from around the world came here. promotion can target many countries at once, "Anas.

Anas thanked the central government, in this case the Ministry of Tourism, which encouraged the promotion of the tour. "This promotional fund does not come from the APBD, but from the Ministry of Tourism, among others, because Banyuwangi won the World Tourism Champion with the UN Tourism Agency in 2016," said Anas. clean the area. The promotion using advertising media on buses in Russia will last until the beginning of the month of August.

Anas hopes this strategy can encourage foreign tourists to visit Banyuwangi. "Until now, the majority of tourists from Europe to Banyuwangi are French citizens." Naturally because of Mount Ijen might be some content of the film out there. "Well, with this promotion, that the Tourists from other countries come to pursue our goal of bringing 175,000 foreign tourists in 2019, "he said. (afi)

(bw / mls / ics / JPR)

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