Gangster Flying Helicopter, Minister of Security


Jakarta, CNN Indonesia – The French government opens the possibility of a security failure as a cause of a gangster member, Redoine Faid, can escape from a heavily guarded prison by helicopter.

French Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet In France, he sent a team to examine the prison "to see the security holes so that we can fix it".

Belloubet says that the imprisonment of Faid at the same place in a few months is also a mistake

. ", Said Mr. Belloubet, quoted by AFP .

Faid's plotters hijacked a helicopter from a flying school and forced an instructor to take them to jail, where the plane flew over a detention center Sunday (1/6).

Two men in black armor then threw smoke bombs before using grinder to save Faid in the prison's visiting room, where their friend was talking to his brother.

Unarmed guards fled and triggered an emergency alarm. But in 10 minutes, Faid managed to escape. The helicopters that Faid used to escape were found in the northeastern suburbs of Paris, about sixty kilometers from the prison.

The pilot was found in shock and was beaten. Faid and his two colleagues continued their escape by car.

They continue to change cars along the way. The first car was found burning in a parking lot at a shopping center.

Faid has many supporters in the multiethnic suburb of Paris, where he grew up. Faid has appeared on several television shows.

Faid is nicknamed "the author" by the police for writing two books about his mischievous youth

Faid approached Michael Mann, director of the 1995 gangster movie titled "Heat" with Al Pacino. and Robert De Niro, and told him, "You are my technical advisor."

Faid writes that he watched the movie dozens of times to perfect his prowess by stealing a bank. (RTG / a) function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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