Garuda officially registers KIK EBA Rp 2 Trillion on BEI


TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA – Mandiri Manajemen Investasi and PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk have successfully launched the collective investment contract (KIK EBA) Mandiri GIAA01 on Tuesday (31/7).

Total KIK EBA which was published a value of Rp 2 trillion divided into two clbades namely A and B.

KIK EBA GIAA01 clbad A gets AA + Pefindo rating with a yield of 9.75% per year and tenor of 5 years to maturity July 27, 2023. Its value In respect of clbad B, the offer is limited to 200 billion rupiahs for a rate of return and a rate of similar non-fixed yield.

KIK EBA GIAA01 is a securitization which is the right of income on the sales of airline tickets. Underlying What means here is the result of the sale of Garuda air tickets to the roads of Jeddah and Madinah.

Director of Finance and Risk Management Garuda Indonesia Helmi Imam Satriyono says that the interest of investors is very positive for this offer. 19659002] He said, during the offer period, the demand for this product was oversubscribed up to Rp 1.8 trillion.

Independent Director of Investment Management Endang Astharanti said, as investment manager, this EBA marketing will be badisted by securities.

The KIK EBA Mandiri GIAA01 sales agent is PT Mandiri Sekuritas, PT Bahana Sekuritas, PT BNI Securities, PT BCA Securities, PT CHS-. Titles CIMB and PT Danareksa Sekuritas

This news already published in KONTAN, titled: Garuda legally notes KIK EBA Rp 2 trillion on BEI

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