"Gelderland meets Maluku, Indonesia" business forum


The "Gelderland meets Maluku, Indonesia" business forum is held in Huis der Gelderland, Arnhem on July 2, 2018, as a forum to promote the potentials of Indonesia, in particularly in Maluku province. In initiating this business forum, the Vice President of the Indonesian representative in The Hague, Fikry Cbadidy, invited Dutch investors to invest in various fields in Indonesia, especially in Maluku, and to be part of the success of the # 39; Indonesia.

The Deputy Governor of Gelderland, Michiel Scheffer, who also attended and opened the forum, welcomed the establishment of cooperation between various provinces of Indonesia and the province of Gelderland. He pointed out that this business forum shows a good synergy between the Hague Embbady, ​​Gelre International Association and OostNL which shows the potential of Ambon City (led by the Mayor of Ambon). ) and West Regency Maluku (led by the Regent MTB) to meet the potential and opportunities Gelderland. Michiel Scheffer also appreciated the presence of representatives of Ikatan Wanita Pengusaha Indonesia (IWAPI) who promoted Indonesian SME products.

Susan van Boxtel, Head of Investments for Oost NL, presents the opportunities for cooperation between the two countries. It explains the potentials of the Dutch region in the eastern region, including a strategic location on the edge of Germany and good access to transport and supported by qualified universities. In addition, the Netherlands is also backed by its status as one of the most innovative countries in the world, making it a country that is continually striving to be a leader in various fields, especially the world. agriculture, water management and logistics. To this end, OostNL encourages Dutch entrepreneurs to continue to innovate and thrive, including by investing in potential countries, particularly in Indonesia.

Representing the delegation of Maluku, Reza Maspaitella, Chairman of the Domestic Investment Compartment KADIN, presents employment offers supporting development in Maluku, especially infrastructure development, and promote the industry, including potential industries for fishing and tourism in Maluku. Theopita Tampubolon of the Investment Promotion Center of Indonesia in London (IIPC London) explains the investment climate in Indonesia and explains the regulation and ease of investment in Indonesia, particularly in the region. East of Indonesia. The IWAPI representatives close the door of the Indonesian delegation through comprehensive information on the role of Indonesian women entrepreneurs who support various creative industries and promote SMEs in various regions of Indonesia.

The business forum "Gelderland Meets Maluku, Indonesia" is concluded by the signing of LoI between Ambon City and Engeldot-Water for cooperation in clean water and also with Nextra Energy Solutions for the cooperation of waste towards energy. After the business forum, the provincial delegation from Maluku was invited to the leading Dutch company Witteveen + Bos in Deventer to explore opportunities for cooperation in infrastructure development and tourism development with Maluku. Meanwhile, the IWAPI delegation visited the Fair Plaza in Culemborg to see other opportunities for cooperation for environmentally friendly and sustainable SME products. This visit should maximize opportunities for cooperation between the two countries and improve the business-to-business network between Indonesian businessmen and Dutch businessmen.

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