General Rules of Non-Violation of the Claims Branch


Tax Officers serve citizens who follow the tax amnesty program (Tax Amnesty) at the office of the Tax Branch, Jakarta, Friday (31/3). – Between / Atika Fauziyyah, JAKARTA – Directorate General (DG) The tax continues to comb the data of taxpayers (WP), not only the participants who did not participate tax amnesia the data that actually participants tax amnesty was a target. In the Circular Letter from the Director General of Taxation No. 14 / PJ / 2018 on the supervision of WPs after the grace period, the Director General of Taxes asked his staff to reinforce the supervision . He wanted a good process of overseeing the participant's tax amnesty as well as irreconcilable accounts

Hestu Yoga Saksama, director of advisory services and public relations of the Tax Branch, said that the process of subsequent tax pardons or not. In fact, according to the law n ° 11/2016 on the tax amnesty, the General Direction of the taxes is authorized to carry out an audit.

"The authority of review is in the law [Dalam hal SE] the main priority remains WP who does not follow the tax pardons" Business Meanwhile, for WP participants TA, tax authorities will oversee WP compliance after fiscal year 2015. That is, continuous Yoga, from the profile for which the badet is declared tax administration wants to make sure that the PT pays the tax better, especially for fiscal year 2016.

As part of this circular, taxpayer monitoring of taxpayers is done in relation to the execution tax obligations for the last financial year. or information on the property reported in the letter of declaration or non-compliance due to the difference in value, the repurchase of the ransom of the taxpayer's report

(19459010) tax amnesty will be examined in stages of Tax Office (KPP) at the Regional Office (Kanwil).

Monitoring will be performed by the Director of Tax Benefits and Compliance Potential (PKP) of the Directorate General of Taxes if data has not been processed or archived. After [suivi] the director of the PKP then sent a letter of clarification to the head of the regional office on the existence of the data

Yoga mentioned the confirmation made to Kanwil, KPP, account representative (AR) is carried out as part of the responsibility which ensures that the external data submitted by the KPP is responsible for its use. "He said.

Just a picture, tax amnesty pbaded, but the Tax Branch still has work to implement section 18 of the Tax Exemption Act. The article explains that when the tax authorities find that the property is disclosed in the statement, the badets are considered as additional income and are subject to a 200% cash entitlement.

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