For two weeks, the political conflict between German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) and Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) controls media coverage in Germany. Sunday evening (1/7), the conflict reached its peak
After an eight-hour in-camera meeting with the CSU, Horst Seehofer will announce to reporters, said a participant who did not want to be named at the meeting. DPA news agency. AFP. Reporters in Berlin waited after midnight for an official statement from Horst Seehofer, who was originally scheduled to speak to reporters at 7 pm, but the schedule was delayed.
Around 2 am, Horst Seehofer appeared in front of the reporters and said that he will give Chancellor Angela Merkel the time of Monday afternoon (2/7) to meet the demands of his party. Otherwise, it will remove the consequences.
Horst Seehofer and his party, CSU, demand that refugees already registered in other EU countries wishing to enter Germany be refused at the border. The request was rejected by Angela Merkel on the grounds that Germany can not determine its own policy without an agreement with the other EU countries
Last week, the leaders of the European government finally accepted close monitoring of the refugee movement in the European Union. But the CSU says today that the movement is not enough
It is unclear how Angela Merkel's government will continue, if the CSU leaves the coalition. Another option is, CDU and CSU continue to form a common faction and maintain a coalition, without Horst Seehofer. Political observers say that Horst Seehofer's move is intended to save the CSU party in Bayern's state elections due in October.
hp / vlz (dpa, afp)