GMF will cooperate 5 years with Airbus for training center facilities


JAKARTA, – PT Garuda Maintenance Facility AeroAsia Tbk (GMF) has renewed its cooperation agreement with aircraft manufacturer Airbus. The renewal of cooperation will take place over the next five years for the Airbus Training Center in Indonesia.

Previously, GMF and Airbus were working together for installation in 2013 and finished this year. This cooperation will be valid until 2023.

"The cooperation of the Airbus Training Center makes GMF the Airbus maintenance training center for the A320 CEO and A320 NEO," said the director GMF general, Iwan Joeniarto, on Tuesday (In addition, GMF AeroAsia and Airbus also agreed to add training coverage for Airbus A320 and A330 Airbus Engines as well as for training in twin-engine operational performance standards at long distance (ETOPS). [19659002] This agreement makes GMF one of the 11 existing Airbus training centers in the world, and GMF is also the first MRO in the region to gain the confidence of Airbus since 2015.

"The confidence of Airbus will be our best, we hope the cooperation with Airbus not only the Training Center, but in the future GMF In collaboration with Airbus, we can also collaborate in the regional markets of panderay, at it's as good for commercial aircraft as it is for military aircraft, "says Iwan

Airbus Asia Pacific's vice president of customer service, Bruno Bousquet. (19659008) Bousquet said that the cooperation between his team and GMF directly reinforced the success of the long-term collaboration of both parties. "1965B002" Airbus by GMF also received an excellent response to the quality of infrastructure and quality This cooperation also allows Airbus customers to take training without having to In 1965, GMF also sent instructors worldwide for Airbus customers who require training in aircraft maintenance

. will also help enhance the branding of GMF as a trusted aircraft maintenance provider with Airbus Training Center facilities currently available in eight countries only.

For now, GMF has nine instructors Airbus A320 and A330

"GMF applies the same subject, infrastructure and certificates to training facilities owned by Airbus in Toulouse. a clbad and in the future we will add one more clbad to maximize the capacity of this training center, "concluded Iwan

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