Government encourages young people to master technology with competitiveness

[ad_1] – The government is looking to improve the quality of human resources (HR) by hosting demographic bonuses in 2030. "We are enjoying demographic bonuses in 2030, young people are much more dominant, so the challenge is how we invest in the best possible human resources, "said the Minister of Manpower, . Mr. Hanif Dhakiri in his office, Jakarta Thursday (28/6).

Minister Hanif said that the younger generation must also be able to maximize technological development. As a result, Indonesia is now entering the 4.0 industrial revolution. With the use of Indonesia, the younger generation will be able to compete with other countries

"So we help our youth participation in the development of the digital industry by the digital skill bias, frankly, we are less.No in this area with a specific capacity specially certified "

For information only, the Minister of Manpower Hanif Dhakiri inaugurated the innovation hall or innovation hall located on the ground floor of the Ministry of Employment. Minister Hanif said that building the Innovation Hall for the youth workforce is Kemnaker's solution to solving the strategic problems of manpower.

The existence of the Innovation Hall is a necessity because the world of work requires flexibility and high speed. Minister Hanif said that mastering youth-dominated technology encourages Kemnaker to facilitate the creation of young people in order to reduce the number of unemployed youth and create new fields of activity. a new job for the millennial generation.


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