Government hands over Rokan block to Pertamina


JAKARTA, – The management decision of Rokan Block, Riau finally responded. PT Pertamina will lead the Rokan block that will be exhausted in 2021.

Chevron was eliminated from the struggle for this management. Naturally, Chevron has been managing this block for 50 years. For signing bonus that has to be paid Pertamina has reached 784 million dollars

Deputy Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources Arcandra Tahar said, pemeirintah to the decision that will handle the block of Rokan. Currently, the Rokan Block is managed by Chevron with a production of about 200,000 barrels a day

"The badessment process has been going on for a few months as we promise that the Rokan Insyaallah management decision will be announced, "he said. (19459004)

He said that the ESDM Department team saw the proposal included today at 17:00 from where the government through the Minister of the Ministry of Finance. Energy and Mineral Resources states that the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM)
The management of Rokan Block from 2021 for the next 20 years will be given to Pertamina.

"Signing Bonus 784 Million US Dollars and a Defined Work Commitment of 500 Million US Dollars," he said. state revenues over the next 20 years amounted to 57 billion rupees, or 825 trillion rupees.

"Once again, Pertamina congratulated the government for its management mandate of the Roka Block No. 2021 to 2041, 100 percent in Pertamina. (19659002) Wamen said that Chevron's offer is far in Below offer offered by Pertamina.

While Amine Sunaryadi, head of SKK Migas explained, the government decided after the PSC with Pertamina signed and the next focus Chevron and Pertamina will carry out transactions up to the end of the year. at the expiration of the contract in order to keep the production not down.

This news was broadcasted on with the title: Wamen Arcandra: 100% Block Rokan for Pertamina [19659010]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns, n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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