Government reviews electricity subsidy grants in 2019

[ad_1] – The government plans to provide a subsidized electricity subsidy of 450 volts amps (VA) and 900 VA for the poor. If the plan is to be implemented, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) includes its budget for next year

Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, [19659003] Ignatius Jonan says that there are still people who do not yet have the cost of the electrical connection. "The cost of the connection is not necessary in West Halmahera, in West Java there is an electrical connection, but it does not connect the problem of the ability to pay the cost of the connection, 1-1.5 million Rp, "said Minister Jonan in . Tuesday (24/7)

The budget of the electricity subsidy should be included in the Draft Budget Revenue (RAPBN) 2019. If it is granted, the number of people benefiting from the Electricity will increase

"Asked if the transparency of this subsidy was transparent Minister Jonan estimates that the new subsidized electric connection budget for the poor can not be significant if each electrical connection is subsidized.Rp 2 million then that the number of houses to connect there is 10.000 units then the required budget is only Rp 20 billion.

Reporter: Pebrianto Eko Wicaksono

Source: Liputan6 [19659005] [bim]

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