Saturday, November 3, 2018 | 5:50 p.m.
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Klikbabel.com, Jakarta – Epidemic African swine flu, or African swine flu in China, is wary of the Indonesian government. Some preventive measures have been taken so that this disease does not enter Indonesia. To combat the entry of swine flu in Indonesia, FAO ECTAD Indonesia (Emergency Center for Transboundary Animal Diseases) together with the Animal Health and Animal Control Directorate (DG PKH) ) of the Ministry of Agriculture, organized training on outbreaks for animal health workers at the central level. and the region.
In 2018, 298 animal health officials received training in disease investigation in Subang, Yogyakarta, Maros, Lampung, Bukittinggi, Banjarbaru, Denpasar and Medan. One of the main activities of epidemic outbreak training is to increase the capacity of central and regional veterinarians to detect and report outbreaks effectively.
"It is very important that the investigators learn to investigate this outbreak.As I have noticed in recent years, the reports provided by the officers are always different, because reports can vary depending on the characteristics of the case, location, etc. But some substances have to stay in. Collection of animal data, then environmental conditions, origin of animals, etc. This is important to implement, "said Fadjar Sumping Tjatur Rasa, director of animal health at Ministry of Agriculture, in the press release issued by Suara.com (klikbabel.com network).
In addition to controlling the disease, Fadjar added, an outbreak investigation is also important for policymakers in determining next steps. "As managers, we must be able to present data and information, as well as field evidence that can be formulated to develop policies," Fadjar said.
Pig farming in China currently suffers from an outbreak of African swine flu. The swine flu epidemic has only affected pigs. It began in Europe and America in the early 1950s and lasted until the 1980s. But in 2007, a new type of African swine flu virus appeared in Georgia, which then spread and spread. has greatly affected the hog farms of the countries of Eastern Europe.
In Asia, swine flu was detected for the first time in pig farms in the Siberian region of the Russian Federation in March 2017. In China alone, the virus was found in northeastern China in early August of this year. Since then, five other cases of swine flu have occurred in the country of the bamboo curtain.
Author: Hairul Asther
Publisher: A. Hairul
Source: suara.com
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