Gradually, this is the sign of a person with eating disorders – all pages

[ad_1] – Social pressure or comparing too often can lead to eating disorders (eating disorder)

The problem of eating disorders can be fatal for someone.

Maybe not directly, but over time, it will eat away inside.

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At present, the problem of eating disorders has not been widely discussed in Indonesia, but it is very likely that this problem arises in large cities, given the high concentration and desire to appear attractive and follow the very slim celebrities.

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Statistics indicate that at least 30 million Americans suffer from certain types of eating disorders.

This results in at least one death every 62 minutes. Obviously, eating disorders are a serious problem.

What are the eating disorders?

The eating disorders describe various irregular eating behaviors that may or may not guarantee the diagnosis of certain eating disorders.

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Here are some signs:

1. Change mood suddenly

The symptoms of excessive anxiety or depression will increase in women with eating disorders.

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Those whose weight is well below the ideal or experienced anorexia can show mood bad, irritable, withdrawn from the social world and insomnia.

These symptoms are also related to the condition of exposure.

With time, there will be problems of excessive worry and fear of social situations.

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2. eat excessive amounts

One of the things that shows that someone has a problem bulimia nervosa is the behavior of eating too much food and can not control this habit.

Overeating is usually done in a hidden place, so the people around it are hard to detect.

3. Dependency and too much consumption of laxatives

Those who have bulimic problems often use laxatives, in the form of pills or diet pills, outside of the doctor's recommendations and in large quantities.

He believes in this way that his weight will not increase.

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4. excessive exercise

A sign of anorexia and problems bulimia exercises excessively.

Physical exercise particularly difficult. Those who feel anorexia can exercise too much to lose weight.

Physical activity is calculated excessively when it interferes with other activities and continues to be practiced despite injuries.

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5. obsessed with food

He seems to be crazy about food.

For example, he collected recipes, accumulated food, often discussed food, and cooked large quantities of food for many people.

These signals are common for those who have a preference for food.

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But if the person who cooks eats very little or does not even eat his food while still forcing others to eat it, it is worth the trouble.

6. hard diet

Avoiding eating by limiting or eliminating certain foods from the diet can also be a eating disorder, especially if there are no problems Overweight and the main motivation is only to lose weight again, again and again.

If moms do not know if this person is dieting, look for signs if she is worried about the number of calories she eats, such as the amount of fat or carbohydrate derived from the foods that she eats. she eats.

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7. A strange eating ritual

People with eating disorders may have various signs to hide their problems from others.

For example, putting food on his plate to make it look like he is eating, or hiding food on a napkin, or every time he eats, he always goes to the bathroom or avoids social gatherings related to food.

8. I do not want to have a normal weight

Anytime, someone who has a problem eating disorder want to lose weight.

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When a woman who has a normal weight shows a drastic weight loss, this person is worth noting.

One of the features of anorexia is the refusal to maintain a body weight of at least 85% of the size, which should depend on the size and age.

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9. Extend to the toilet

Those who have problems anorexia or bulimia often spits the contents of his stomach.

This occurs in about 80 to 90% of people with it.

The swollen cheeks due to salivary gland hypertrophy and finger scars due to tooth contact are indicative of eating disorders.

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10. Very focused on body weight

Those who have problems bulimia and anorexia have difficulty perceiving the shape and weight of the body.

In patients anorexiaEven though they know that they are thin, they rarely realize that their body weight is at a dangerous level.

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