Guterres calls for more pressure on Myanmar


UN describes repression of Myanmar as ethnic cleansing of Rohingya

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, KUTUPALONG – UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres, calls for further international pressure on Myanmar. He called on Myanmar to create a secure condition for the return of hundreds of thousands of Rohingya Muslims

The United Nations and Myanmar reached an agreement in May. The UN wants thousands of Rohingyas to return safely and for their own choice.

"This memorandum of understanding is the first step toward progressive recognition of people's rights," Guterres told a refugee camp on Bangladesh's southeastern coast. This is the kind of concessions acquired with Myanmar right now. "Let's examine the sincerity of this concession, and then continue with all the rights of the people," he declared

. The Myanmar government party is not willing to comment on Guterres's statements. Guterres' visit took place 10 months after an attack by Rohingya militants in Myanmar

. This triggered a military offensive that forced more than 700,000 Rohingyas to flee to Bangladesh. The UN describes repression as an ethnic cleansing. The charge was rejected by Myanmar.

The memorandum of understanding, the details of which were reported by Reuters last week, does not offer explicit civic guarantees or freedom of movement. Yet this has long been one of the main demands of the Rohingyas.

Guterres made his remarks with World Bank President Jim Yong Kim. At the same time, a group of refugees were waving cloth banners containing their demands: "Include the Rohingyas in the Rohingya Alliance" and "Repentance of Dignity must include full citizenship as ethnic Rohingyas.

Some Rohingya leaders say that they will not accept the agreement in its current form. Guterres said the agreement was an attempt by the UN to force the Myanmar government to pave the way for future returns

"So, such a thing should be considered, not as a final agreement on the return. "

He and Kim also stressed that the safe and voluntary return of the Rohingyas to Myanmar is the first priority.Their visit follows the announcement of the World Bank last week. that the World Bank will provide $ 480 million of aid to Bangladesh to help refugees.

Kim said Monday that the World Bank is looking for ways to bring more development resources to Bangladesh. due to the contribution they make to the world by receiving Rohingyas

The Rohingyas who arrived in Bangladesh in recent months have reported mbadacres, arson and rape by Myanmar security forces. and Kim met some of the camp's victims. "It's probably one of the most tragic stories about systematic violations of human rights.We must push and push in the right direction," Guterres said. f, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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