Handling PLWHA with Propilar


"Propilar is the first program in Indonesia In addition to patients with HIV-AIDS, patients with infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and others, can also follow the Propilar program," said Widoyono , by presenting the Propilar application yesterday.

For HIV-positive people, should install this application in his gadget android Something Once executed, thanks to Propilar, they will be constantly monitored by health workers, who are also connected through the application.

"Currently, about 3,800 people are living with HIV / AIDS, but only 1,100 patients are taking regular medications, and other patients we have not been able to control. we hope they will then join the order and maintain its condition regularly.Propilar will remind patients to always control the disease.It takes drugs or other activities, "he said. explained

The WHO-supported Proparque program and the Semarang City Forum aims to ensure that all HIV / AIDS victims in Semarang City can be accurately recorded. all that can cause the transmission of the disease.

The WHO central consultant, Slamet Riyadi, explains that the Propilar program is one of the preventive measures to overcome infectious diseases, especially the HIV-AIDS. In this time, badistance to people living with HIV is needed to help patients consume regular medications and daily activities. "Because throughout the life of PLHIV must take medication and continue to monitor the doctors, so Propilar one of the efforts to prevent infectious diseases from developing and infecting others," he said. he says.

(sm / zal / ap / JPR)

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