Happy to drink soda? Be wary of natural kidney disorders


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – Consuming excessive soft drinks is known to trigger many diseases, such as obesity and heart disease.

One more reason why moms should limit the consumption of sugary drinks this one, which is for the sake of maintaining your kidney health.

Recently, a study found, the habit of drinking soft drinks will increase the risk of kidney disease.

Employees at a university in Japan who consume two glbades of soft drinks a day tend to have protein in their urine compared to those who drink less soda or not at all drinks.

The protein in the urine is an early symptom of kidney damage although it can still be repaired.

The new study shows the link between soft drinks to drink and an increased risk of kidney damage.

However, researchers do not just make soft drinks the only "scapegoat".

In the study, researchers badyzed data from more than 12,000 university employees who performed annual health checks at health centers.

One type of examination is the protein content in the urine.

They found that nearly 11 percent of employees who claim to consume two or more cans of soft drinks a day have protein in their urine.

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