Harun Yahya called the Islamic body bikini bikini and halal vodka


Merdeka.com – The popular writer and leader of the Turkish sect Adnan Oktar alias Harun Yahya said that the bikini was an Islamic jilbab and that the vodka was halal.

Oktar was arrested on July 11 for involvement in a number of

In the police interrogation of Oktar denied all charges of his criminal acts and he insisted that his group only led an interpretation of Islam. "Covering the aurat with the bikini is quite Islamic, because it is described in the Qur'an" He also stated that Islam only prohibited alcohol as alcoholic drink, while others included vodka and whiskey

his supporters were also reported to reduce to five times the salat five times and his rakaat was shorter.

During interrogation He also stressed his support for the presidential party Recep Tayyip Erdogan, AKP.

"Oktar told the police, he told his supporters called" kittens "to carry the Turkish flag in the streets after a failed military state coup The Turkish police attacked Oktar and arrested 234 of his supporters for 30 indictments, including the formation of criminal gangs, badual violence against children and fraud.

Oktar denies the prosecution's account said his arrest was a conspiracy of England. {19659011]! Function (f, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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