Have a lot of children, pay attention Senile faster!


Having lots of children can actually make mothers more vulnerable to dementia, so the findings obtained by researchers in a recent study.

While in recent decades, couples generally want to have a lot of children. But today, couples want to limit their offspring

Well, limiting this offspring turns out to be useful in old age.

A recent study shows that parents, especially mothers who have many children, are more likely to have Alzheimer's or senile old. The results were obtained after the researchers badyzed 3549 women aged 71 and had the youngest child at 46.

Professor Ki Woong Kim of the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences of the College of Natural Sciences of the Seoul National University said children or more are very likely to develop Alzheimer's disease at least 70 percent compared to women who gave birth once or twice.

On the other hand, women who have had a miscarriage also risk developing Alzheimer's disease. According to Professor Kim, these two phenomena are due to hormonal influences. "It is likely that estrogen levels in the body have doubled in the eighth week of pregnancy and continue to grow 40-fold," he adds (19459005) Newsweek .

Woong Kim hopes to do further research to find ways to prevent Alzheimer's disease, for example by hormone therapy during the first trimester of pregnancy. Alzheimer's disease itself is characterized by a decrease in the ability to remember and speak.

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