He enjoys Big Data for the banking industry


NUSA DUA, KOMPAS.com – The banking sector is starting to use big data today. Yati Kurniati, Executive Director of the Department of Statistics of the Indonesian Bank, said that the use of Big Data in the banking sector is generally used to observe the behavior of its customers

"It has transactions or information on customers. "Well it's usually for credit risk badysis, understand the behavior of each customer.So, use in the financial sector like this," Yati said in Nusa Dua, Bali, Thursday (26/7/2018).

Yati added, big data is also used by the banking industry to see the history of its customers.

the banking transaction, the customer's background can also be monitored from its social media activities.

It is usually the indicator that banks perform an evaluation of their clients

"It carries detailed customer data.It can be combined with sosmednya data as well.Many do so. he is in sosmed, keeps the same transaction as he is in the bank in combination, does the algorithm, so read is what his behavior, like fraud or do negative things or he is a good customer , it can be read there, "said Yati

On this basis, Yati believes that the use of Big Data is very important to the banking world.

" In reality, the benefits are excellent for the # 39; industry. In general, foreign banks have a makai yes, "he says.

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