JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – BKPM Chief Thomas Trikasih Lembong emphasized the importance of service to boost investment in Indonesia. Although the investment climate is good in Indonesia, investors can turn to other destinations if they do not get a good and tedious service.
"The face we show investors after being persuaded with promotions, incentives, seduction, eventually happens.If suddenly the service is not good, will be disappointed, go home," said Thomas at the BKPM Jakarta office. 2018)
Thomas says that the current government encourages investment rather than consumption. In fact, investment figures continue to grow and have a positive impact on economic growth in Indonesia.
The high interest of investments should be offset by a good response from Indonesia in improving services. With the Integrated One Door Service (PTSP) it is possible to remove complicated bureaucracies and manage licenses in a very short time.
Also read: Unacceptable Investor Licensed Outside BKPM
"Licensing Service of the Top This is truly a reflection of the serious efforts of the hard work of mothers and fathers," said Thomas.
Therefore, BKPM feels the need to reward the regions that offer the best services to investors to invest in their regions.The aspects of valuation include human resources, infrastructure, skill appliance, the use of digitization, to simplify the procedure.
"In recent years there has been a significant increase, but for those who did not get the [prix suprême] do not worry, there is still a lot of time left to improve, "said Thomas
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