Healing Hajj is not just medical


IHRAM.CO.ID, by: Erdy Nasrul of Makkah, Saudi Arabia

MAKKAH – Jamaâhs need psychic encouragement or motivation for their pbadion for healing to grow. "We continue to coordinate with the worship orientation team," said Haj's health section chief of the Makkah M Imran work area on Tuesday at KKHI Makkah (19659002). 25/7).

Patients are usually accompanied and motivated by their family during treatment in the country. However, this condition does not occur when pilgrims are sick in Saudi Arabia.

The daily newspaper that accompanies them and takes care of them is KKHI's medical team. Imran explained that the health team will take medical measures.

Jamaah will also obtain the direction of worship. "The worship leadership team plays a role here.They provide motivation to the congregation.Everyone plays a role in replacing the absence of a family that usually accompanies them for treatment." , says Imran

See also: Journeys Get the Guidance Worship

The spirit of worship of the congregation becomes the force that animates them healed.The patient would like to be able to perfect the worship of the arbae in Medina, for example.However, their state of health is not yet possible.The guidance team has provided them with an understanding different approaches

The management of health problems is not only based on medicine, but also on the direction of worship.A team of religious guides who sensitize and refresh the resolution of the sick pilgrims who come here to adore.

Well, [1945901] 1] during this time, of course, they will feel abandoned, like the arbain, or will join the prayer. doubt can be wukuf. The worship counselor provides guidance and seeks to eliminate worries.

Thus, in addition to providing motivation from aspects of religious suggestion, it also provides opportunities for worship, such as praying in time. They also sought alternatives to how pilgrims treated at KKHI were to perform the pilgrimage.

Among other things, directing sick pilgrims to wukuf safari with intent and wearing ihram cloth. "It is therefore a holistic approach to heal the patient," he said

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