Health Tips Look at the final of the World Cup, caution can provoke an attack

[ad_1] – Football tournaments held every four years at night and early in the morning do not prevent football fans from seeing their heroes face each other. But keep in mind, that euforia watching the world cup must also be balanced with healthy living behavior.

Because the impact of fatigue watching the game every night and early in the morning can cause various health problems. Not only physical fatigue, but also the psychological fatigue that can occur especially if the team is defeated.

These effects can be exacerbated by the habit of consuming coffee, energy drinks or cigarettes. Complaints that often occur in the form of headaches and complaints about digestion, such as loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and heartburn.

Various chronic diseases caused by fatigue and that do not maintain health can recur, such as diabetes, hypertension, stroke and heart disease. It is not uncommon also that connoisseurs of football matches are infected like the flu because of the decrease in endurance due to fatigue.

So, keeping health while watching a ball game should remain a priority. Dean's Advice from the Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia (FKUI) Dr. dr. Ari Fahrial Syam, SpPD-KGEH, MMB, Sunday (7/15), to stay fit and healthy after watching the World Cup football game:

Maintain the number of hours of sleep. Minimum 6 hours a day. When there is free time, it is recommended to rest with more time.

Eat at least every 6 hours with a healthy distraction from foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruit and vegetable salad so a rather delicious choice.

Keep at least two liters of water a day. The water is also good for offsetting the consumption of coffee and drinks that contain a lot of sugar.

Reduce soft drinks. Because the soda is not recommended if it is taken too much

It is not recommended to consume too much coffee. Only 2 glbades a day.

Not excessive in taking supplements.

Regular exercise. It was so good the next day. And let the carpet move if its favorite team loses,

(ika / JPC)

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