Healthy lifestyle mother Berefek Jump for children

[ad_1] – For some mothers, seeing their chubby children's bodies is their own pride. The children look funny and adorable with their bulky bodies.

Unfortunately, it's not good for kids to grow up, especially when they grow up. Obese Children at Risk of Obesity in Adulthood

Obesity increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes mellitus (diabetes), joint disease, and cancer.

If it occurs in children, obesity can also cause other problems that affect the quality of life of children.

For example, sleep disorders and limb disorders

In social life, obesity makes people less confident.

Read also: Obese children at risk of obesity in adulthood 19659002] The New York Post mothers who modeled healthy lifestyles, were less likely to have obese children.

Healthy lifestyles are nutritious food consumption, in fact, this possibility reaches 75%.

The statement is not a simple diatribe and has been proven by a study published in The British Medical Journal .

In fact, this figure increased by 82% when mothers encouraged their children to do the same thing.

This is the first research that proves that a healthy lifestyle for a mother has a direct and measurable impact on the weight of the child.

"It's important that mothers adopt a healthy lifestyle to reduce the risk of obesity in their children," said Qi Sun, principal investigator. See also: More than a quarter of people with obesity in the world in 2045

The application of a healthy lifestyle helps reduce the risk of obesity in children, even without being regularly balanced [19659002] Maintaining a healthy weight alone can reduce the risk of childhood obesity by 56%. fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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