The researchers conducted an badysis of more than 49 million births at the hospital. The result, there were 1061 cases of heart attack and 922 women hospitalized due to a heart attack during pregnancy.
In 2002, there were 7.1 cases of heart attacks involving 100,000 pregnancies. The case increases in 2014 to 9.5 cases per 100,000 pregnancies.
Heart attack is the cause of 4, 5% of deaths among pregnant women. To prevent death by heart attack, doctors help pregnant women by administering blood thinning drugs and other methods of treatment to save the mother.
The risk of heart attack is higher in older pregnant women. Research shows that pregnant women ages 35 to 39 are five times more likely to have heart attacks than pregnant women in their twenties. While in pregnant women in their forties, the risk increases up to 10 times.
"Our results indicate that women who want to have children need to think about their heart health," said Dr. Nathaniel Smilowitz, an badistant professor at the University of New York School of Medicine. "They should consult a doctor and monitor their heart health during pregnancy to reduce the risk of heart attack."
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