Heat waves in Canada worsen, 17 people are killed


Merdeka.com – A total of 17 people in Quebec, Canada, were reportedly killed by a heat wave that hit the city. "The victims of most men are over 50 and live alone, they do not have an air conditioner at home," said Dr. David Kaiser of the Montreal Department of Public Health, quoted by Ani News, Thursday (5/7)

Kiaser explains that 12 victims have died in Montreal. While five more were killed in the Eastern Townships

The government is now making efforts to solve this hot weather problem, one of which is to provide 19 cold places in the buildings health and social services. be sensitive to neighbors or family members

"We expect that they will examine the closest person who could be exposed to a greater risk of heat," he concluded. (F, b, e, v, n, t, s) {if (f.fbq) returns; n = f.fbq = function () {n.callMethod?
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