Here are the 9 Facts of the State of Israel that are rarely known to the public, many letters to God


TRIBUNMANADO.CO.ID – What did you think about first when you heard about the state of Israel?

Certainly, a series of problems, chaos and wars are still stirring in your mind. which always creates chaos.

But beyond that, it turns out that Israel also keeps the following unique things:

1. It has two national languages ​​

 The Şalom Newspaper 19459014 19459007 Israel has two national languages: modern Hebrew and Arabic. </p>
<p>  The newly developed modern Hebrew at the end of the 19th century itself adapted from the ancient Hebrew that had the influence of other languages. </p>
<p>  Like English, Slavic, Arabic and German. </p>
<p>  <strong> 2. Small area </strong></p>
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