Here is the fourth fashion of Begal Empowering Istana Staff


TEMPO.CO Jakarta – An expert from the Office of the Presidential Staff admitted to being a victim while he was driving in the Tamansari area, at the same time. west of Jakarta. Goods are stolen authors There are important documents that have not been returned yet.

Victim named Armedya Dewangga. His position as a young expert in the Deputy III of strategic management and strategic issues in the government of President Joko Widodo or Jokowi. According to Armedya, the location of events in Jalan Gajah Mada, Jakarta on June 8, 2018 around 16:50.


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Armedya claimed to be traveling himself to the Old City. Pbading on Jalan Gajah Mada, suddenly someone who was driving a motorcycle pointed to the car, Nissan Livina X Gear. The man informed that the tire of Armedya's car was deflated. "But I do not know and I keep walking," he said, Wednesday, July 4, 2018.

Shortly after, two other people who were driving motorcycles also showed him his car. Armedya still ignores their action. Until then, there is a third author of the right direction of his car also pointing to the tire car.


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car to check the back of the car up to the exhaust. When we look around, it's the first offender to come. Ignoring Armedya, examining the car, the second man would have immediately opened the left door of the car before and picked up the backpack.

"During the theft process, the third offender in front of my car interacted with the person in the store and then left the premises," said Armedya

As a result, Armedya lost a unit of the ME294 MacBook, Seagate hard drive, Western Digital hard drive is a white property of the president's office and worth 3.3 million rupees. "If the total loss is about 25 million rupees," says Armedya,

but the most disturbing is a laptop with two hard drives containing documents. (19459006) SBMPTN, following the preferred course Some PTN in Jabodetabek

Armedya was encouraged to reveal the events that he has been experiencing because of the rampant crimes on the street in Jakarta in recent years.The case of The aggressor among other experienced General Manager of Construction Construction Ministry of Public Works and Popular Housing Syarief Burhannudin. The same case was experienced by Robertus Soutwell Candle Hartono, while he was cycling in Pondok Indah, in South Jakarta, followed by Warsilah, victim of a jamret killed at Jalan Ahmad Yani, Cempaka Putih , in the center of Jakarta.

Wars was ripped off during an online race. He got off the moto-taxi when his handbag was holding a jambret. Yarief lost his mobile phone and suffered an injury while falling off the bike and dragging the culprit. Candle had to give up mobile phones, wallets and bicycles worth 30 million rupiah.

The title of this item was repaired on Thursday, July 5th, 2018 at 1:30 pm EST due to a change in condition.

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