Here's how Citibank reduces unemployment in Indonesia

[ad_1] – Citibank Indonesia partners with Indonesia Business Links to reduce youth unemployment by supporting the financial independence of young people. The commitment is made in the Skilled Youth program which entered the second phase of this year.

Ceo Citibank Indonesia, Batara Sianturi said the program aims to reduce unemployment among young people aged 16-24 in major cities around the world, including Indonesia. . During the period from August 2017 to June 2018, the Phase II Qualified Youth program provided 249 youth in the industrial zones with soft skills and technical skills.

"This program aims to provide better economic opportunities for young people by preparing to become a ready-to-work workforce, while being a skilled entrepreneur," said Batara in Sudirman, Jakarta Center, Wednesday (25/7).

This program is also an implementation of the progress made by the Citi Foundation in various countries of the world. Pathways to Progress is the largest philanthropic commitment in the history of the Citi Foundation, with an additional investment of $ 100 million to bring positive impacts and impacts to 500,000 young people worldwide by 2020 ". Elvera N. Makki says that there are 1.2 billion young people in the world, of whom 156 million are employed but still live below the poverty line. In addition, 71 million young people are unemployed, three times more than adult unemployment.

While in Indonesia, the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS) shows that the number of unemployed aged 15 to 24 dominates the total number of unemployed. it exists. Meanwhile, the highest level of unemployment (TPT) occurred among graduates of vocational schools (SMK), which accounted for 11.41% of the 7.04 million unemployed in August 2017.

Heru Prasetyo, president of Indonesia Business Links Board of Directors that Citi Indonesia's collaboration with IBL is an example of multi-stakeholder partnership in support of the implementation of the Government's Sustainable Development Goals

"We believe that youth unemployment will be overcome if the business sector, the government, civil society organizations and They can work together in terms of capacity building, employment opportunities, Encouraging entrepreneurship and creating an enabling environment. "19659003] The second Skilled Youth program aims to strengthen the economic potential of young SMKs in Bekasi. , Cikarang and Karawang, by improving the ability of both soft skills and difficult skills, Through this program, it is expected that more and more young people will reach their highest potential, in terms of Employment opportunities and entrepreneurial skills, in order to contribute to the economic development of regions and territories. water [Si (f.fbq) renvoie; n = f.fbq = fonction () {n.callMethod?) (F, b, e, v, n, t, s)
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