Here's how to market egg prices Kranggan Yogya Siasati Soar Soar


Report of Togun Reporter Jogja Tribuna, Yosef Leon Pinsker

TRIBUNJOGJA.COM, YOGYA – Rising prices of chicken eggs among traders, impact on fast food sellers or food stalls who generally hold goods on the roadside

Kamsinah, a food marketer, claimed to have increased the selling price of podcast eggs to his customers.

Mother of one of these children said that the rise in the selling price of her eggs coincided with the rise in the price of eggs, (19659005) Read: Red Bank banks and BPR still hold rates of Credit interest

"This podcast egg no longer sells Rp3500 ordinary Rp3000, I raise Rp500.If I do not see where the difference," found in the merchandise stands which is to the market entrance Kranggan, Monday (9/7/2018)

The desire to raise prices was caused because of the rise in prices of eggs were (19659003) Because, if the price increase is only temporary, he would admit that it would not increase the selling price to his customers.

"If one day two days are not raised, well, if this increase has been long, like this egg," he concluded.

Read: The price of the translucent egg Rp 28 thousand per kilogram in Yogyakarta

Kamsinah selling various side dishes ranging from fried chicken, curry claw, bacem tempe, etc. said that the selling price has increased only for the podado egg dish, while others remain the regular price even though the price of chili has also increased.

"If the other chili cuman little used, so can not raise the price.Kayak fish and teri lombok ijo this, a little chilli, a lot of fish so yes the selling price is normal," he concluded. ( )

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