Here's how to reduce caffeine addiction


Caffeine can be a friend, but it can also be an enemy. That's why you should be wiser when you consume caffeine. If it is taken with a dose that is not excessive, caffeine is not dangerous. But, if excessive mengonsumsinya can cause side effects, such as anxiety, difficulty sleeping, interference with the heart, to osteoporosis. Especially for women, excess caffeine can also cause difficulty getting pregnant in case of miscarriage. You should be wiser when consuming caffeine.

Here are some steps you can try to start eliminating your caffeine addiction.

Reduce the size of a cup of coffee
great, start ordering coffee with a smaller glbad size. This method allows you to reduce the amount of coffee consumed later.

Consider the caffeine content
Also consider the caffeine content in the foods or beverages consumed. Reduce food intake or drink slowly

Mix coffee with other ingredients
If you're a coffee lover, try mixing plain coffee with coffee that does not contain caffeine . Alternatively, reduce the amount of coffee used and mix with other ingredients such as milk or cream.

Try decaffeinated coffee
When it's hard to get rid of coffee, change your coffee with decaffeinated coffee. But, even better start replacing coffee by consuming herbal tea that does not contain caffeine. Do it gradually, for example a week three times, then twice, until it can completely escape the caffeine addiction.

Changing Mentality
Change your mind that you can not work or do not have caffeine. On the contrary, always think that caffeine carries a serious risk to health.

Source : Silver Magazine, Siloam Hospitals.

Article by Rianti Dawn

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