HKTI: Indonesia is still in the phase of creating food security


REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA – The President of the Indonesian Peasant Harmony Association (HKTI) Moeldoko said until now that Indonesia had no still not reaching the phase of food self-sufficiency. According to him, Indonesia is still at the stage of food security.

Currently, said Mr. Moeldoko, a number of problems faced by farmers in the country, one of the main challenges is the increasingly narrow land that is being managed. "The national average of our farmland is 0.2 to 0.3 hectare, and the small land is also damaged by the excessive use of pesticides and inorganic fertilizers," he said. the Agriculture and Food Forum (ASAFF) organized by HKTI at the JCC. Jakarta, Thursday (28/6).

Therefore, he said, the government should make various efforts to ensure the availability and equality of staple foods for the entire community. In addition, Moedoko said that post-harvest management is a challenge because farmers lose up to 10% of their agricultural produce if they are not well managed.

The use of technology does not affect too much the process of land treatment. "Management Farmers are not familiar with management approaches They are as usual Yes it's like that," said the chief of staff of the former president of the TNI Commander

On the other hand, capital is still a constraint in various programs to help the capital farmers, but still difficult for farmers to access the bank. "If you're talking about food security, the most important thing is that people can benefit, and the price is stable, if that happens, the national food stock should not be lower," he said [19659006]. an option to be able to meet the national food needs, if the domestic production is not able to achieve its purpose is to import, however, the imported faucets must also be done on the accurate database

"We must understand In one month, it means that if we can not import it, we must import, if not import, a big problem faced by this nation because the problem of stomach is a very sensitive issue that can not be postponed. "

In the Administration Science of the country said that it is necessary to understand the need for imports to meet the needs national food "We have to be realistic," he said.

Moeldoko understands the desire of the Minister of Agriculture to create food self-sufficiency, but this is certainly not something easy to achieve. There are a number of things that could hinder the achievement of this goal, by weather conditions, pests and other factors. "19659004" Not as we describe this agriculture as soon as we harvest the crops, no, there are many obstacles. (19459008)

Professor of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Gajah Mada (UGM) Yogyakarta Jangkung Handoyo Mulyo affirmed Indonesia's problem towards food self-sufficiency related to the availability of farmland that has been largely converted.

this convention is so great, the transition from farmland to agriculture to non-farmland is so mbadive that it will threaten national production and domestic production to meet the adequacy of Indonesian citizen's food, "said Jangkung, said that the adequacy of food production in Indonesia reaches 400,000 hectares per year Gkung mentions that the regulation of sustainable agricultural land protection has been regulated by law as the regulation of non-agricultural farmland up to penal sanctions, but not yet properly applied.

According to Jangkung, the consumption pattern of Indonesians dependent on rice, considering that Indonesia has the potential to diversify local food.

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