Honda Asimo Retirement Robot –


JAKARTA, – One of the icons of Japanese robotics technology, Asimo (Advanced Step in Innovative Mobility) has abandoned its development by Honda. Nikkei Asian Review reported, Thursday (28/6/2018), that Asimo's development team is now moving to another Honda division, among which the development of autonomous technology .

Asimo's development began in 1986. His first form made his debut in 2000 as the first robot to stand on two legs as a human.

For 18 years of development, Honda has made seven versions of Asimo. The latest version of the version in 2011 with a height of 1.2 m, weighing 49 kg, and able to run as fast as 9 kpj.

Asimo has grown in popularity because he is moving like a human and his appearance friendly. Honda has pinned different sensors to make it able to badyze the environment. Asimo could walk to a certain target, shake his hand, wave his hand, be aware of moving objects, and interpret voice commands.

Read also: Visiting ASIMO

  Asimo can play football Carscoop Asimo (19659008) also reported that Honda is developing a physical therapy tool using Asimo foot movement technology who uses an engine for elderly patients or disability.

The core team of Asimo developers is now resurrected as R & D Center X. development of Honda's robot strategy.

Earlier this year, Honda introduced motorcycles that can not fall without the need for gyroscopes using variable electro-geometry technology . This year, Honda also introduced four new robots, including a standalone bike and a robotic wheelchair. All technologies are based on Asimo.

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