Hong Kong police arrest the guardian of an Indonesian passport of migrant workers


Police seized 878 pbadports and travel documents of migrant workers

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, LANZHOU – Hong Kong police arrested the perpetrators of pbadports and other official travel documents belonging to Indonesian workers guarantee of high rate money loans. 19659003] "We received information from the Hong Kong police, the perpetrators were arrested Wednesday (4/7)," said the Consul General of Indonesia for Hong Kong and Macao Tri Tharyat in a written statement in Lanzhou, China (5/7). Police seized evidence from the hands of the perpetrator of the crime nicknamed Li (67 years) in the form of 878 pbadports and travel documents of migrant workers. In addition, also seized a number of pbadports belonging to foreign workers from the Philippines.

Consulate General of the Republic of Indonesia (KJRI Hong Kong) to badist local police to investigate cases that harm the TKI. For migrant workers whose documents are held by the perpetrators, they enjoy legal protection from local authorities. The Consulate General of Hong Kong also encourages local police to act decisively against the perpetrators because the detention of documents is illegal.

"I ask the Indonesian citizens of Hong Kong and Macao not to give their pbadports to other parties If a third party holds an illegal pbadport of an Indonesian citizen, come and bring it back to us," says Tri

As well as the victims of Li's fraud, the consul-general immediately appealed to the Hong Kong Consulate General, and other travel documents can be returned immediately.The number of Indonesian migrant workers to Hong Kong is estimated at about 150,000 in the informal sector.India ranks second under the Philippines in sending its migrant workers to Hong Kong.

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